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Kelly Andrepont Andrepont, Kelly Special Projects Coordinator
Lauren Arceneaux Arceneaux, Lauren 1st Grade Teacher
Matthew Authement Authement, Matthew Jr. High Religion
Alvin Bergeron Bergeron, Alvin Athletic Director/PE Instructor
Meagan Bergeron Bergeron, Meagan Business Office Manager
Carmen Bourque Bourque, Carmen Assistant Principal
Lyndi Bourque Bourque, Lyndi Teacher
Monique Braquet Braquet, Monique Kindergarten Aide
Christopher Cambre Cambre, Christopher Pastor
Alex Clause Clause, Alex 3rd Grade Teacher
Paul Conover Conover, Paul 4th Grade Teacher
Christina Dupuis Dupuis, Christina Jr. High Science and Social Studies
Alicia Fontenot Fontenot, Alicia PK-3 Aide
Sandra Foreman Foreman, Sandra
Ericka Forest Forest, Ericka Director of School and Student Services
Leah Fusilier Fusilier, Leah Teacher
Annette Guidroz Guidroz, Annette PK-4 Aide
Katie Guidry Guidry, Katie 2nd Grade Teacher
Heidi Haynes Haynes, Heidi Art Instructor
Katy Lorenz Lorenz, Katy Director of Technology
Sonya Louviere Louviere, Sonya Principal
Andrea Miller Miller, Andrea Extended Day Worker
Jill Myers Myers, Jill Librarian and Jr. High Social Studies
Rachelle Rachal Rachal, Rachelle Jr. High Math
Heidi Robin Robin, Heidi Religion Administrator and Jr. High Religion Instructor
Sandy Romero Romero, Sandy Administrative Assistant
Holly Stickney Stickney, Holly PK-3 Teacher
Sarah White White, Sarah Jr. High ELA
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